Going To College

I plan on going to college at Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. I will be studying how to become a veterinarian. I also want to become a Navy Seal I will be going through several boot camps to achieve these goals of mine. I want to work with the Navy dogs and animals that they use. When I get out of the Navy I will be opening up my own veterinarian hospital and animal sanctuary. If I don’t go to the Naval Academy I will be attending college at the Liberty University in Virginia. These are my plans of going to college and why I’m going to college.

Most Important Relationship

The most important relationship in my life right now is mine and my grandpa’s relationship. My grandpa and I have a very strong bond with each other. We do almost everything together and share the same thoughts and feelings. WE both are very on’ry in many ways. We are always making jokes with one another and are doing something with nature. He is my only grandpa that I have and I want to have the best relationship with him. We like to shoot guns, fish, and blow up stuff. This is why my grandpa and I’s relationship is so important to me.

The School Year

The school year is too long I think. People and students do not want to be in school for 9 months out of the year. Kids start to lose their focus after a while and they just don’t care about their school work. We learn about the same thing throughout the whole year, so why not make the year shorter? If the school year was shorter kids could focus on being kids instead of doing work throughout the whole year besides in the summer. It also would be better fro the teachers and they get a longer break because some do work during the summer. this is why the year should be shorter.

Marriage Last Name

I believe that woman should take the last name of men. They should because it has been the custom for many years in our history. When a woman and a man get married the men are the head of the household not women, therefore women should take the last name of the man. It also says in the Bible that women should submit unto men when they get married.  Taking the last name of the man is showing submission. It also gives authority to the man because he is working for his family. This is why women should take a man’s last name.

They are not Raised Differently

I don’t think girls are not raised differently if they are raised with brothers. For example my sister was raised with my brother and I. So by her being raised with us she is going to act like us in some ways. So my parents are not going to treat her any different from my brother and I. They raised us all the same but may have raised us differently in only certain situations. They expect us to do all the same chores and to have the same intelligence as each other. there would be no point to treating girls differently from boys.

Complications From Family Members When Wanting to get Married

Many people around the world may experience complications from their family members if they don’t like who you have married. Some family members might want to try to make you divorce or have a break up occur. They may not think that the person you chose to marry isn’t the right choice for you and the family. They may want what they want instead of the person that you want to marry because they may think you can do better. Maybe as the couple gets older and has been together for many years, the complications may wear off but until that day families will have complications.

Arranged Marriages Would not Work in the US

Arranged marriages would not work in American society because that’s not what most Americans would want to do. Most people wouldn’t like it because they want to be with someone they actually love not being forced to love someone. Arranged marriages were used in the old days so people were able to keep their fortunes with other rich families. This is not what people want to do now days they want to be with someone they truly love and they may not care if they are rich or poor.This is why arranged marriages would notwork in modern day American society.

Parents should have control over kids personal lives

I think parents should have control over children’s personal lives. Some kids don’t listen at all to their parents and do what they want to do. Anyways their the parents they have control over you until you’re out of the house and living on your own. If the parents feel like their kid(s) may be in danger of doing something they may want to do the parents should not let their kid do what they want to do. Kids should respect their parents choice and their decisions. If kids don’t want their parents to be so involved in their lives they should abide by their parents rules.

Lying is justified

Lying is justified because if your are lying to someone it may be for a good cause. Some people may lie because it may be what the person you’re lying to may want to hear. For example If someone says do I look good and they don’t your obviously not going to say  you look ugly. Also if your’e trying to do something for someone you may have to lie to them that you’re not doing it but you really are. Or if you’re playing a prank on someone and you’re lying to them to do something funny to them it’s okay.

Animal Farm

What ever goes upon two legs is an enemy-This rule is bad because the animals may mistake a good human from a bad one and the same for any animal with two legs. I do foresee a problem with this rule because  if a solicitor come to the farm the animal may hurt them.

What ever goes upon a four legs or has wings is a friend. this rule is bad because an animal may have four legs but may rebel against the animals. i do not foresee any problems with this rule.

No animal shall wear clothes- this rule is good because its keeping the animals stay true to themselves and not becoming like humans. I foresee this rule creating problems with wearing clothes like humans.

NO animal shall sleep in a bed-This rule is good because it keeps the animals from doing what humans do. I foresee this being a problem on the farm with animals sleeping in beds.

No animal shall drink alcohol- this is a good rule because it keeps the animals sober and not being a pester to the farm. I foresee this being a problem with animals alcoholics.

NO animal shall kill another animal- This is a good rule because it keeps the animals from being like humans and slaughtering the animals. I  foresee a animal killing another.

All animals are equal- This is a good rule it keeps the animals from thinking they are better than one another. I foresee one of the animals thinking they are higher than another animal.