How Do I Communicate With Friends And Family?

I communicate to friends and family by texting them,snap chatting them, or sending them a dm on Instagram. If my family is far away and I can’t ride to their house to give them something I may send them something in the mail. Almost all of the ways I communicate to people is different from 15 years ago besides the part when I mail something to someone. There wasn’t such thing as Instagram or Snap chat 15 years ago. Many people had to send stuff through the mail to communicate or they had to simply just call each other. This is how I communicate to my friends and how it is different from 15 years ago.

Am I Addicted To my phone?

I am not addicted to my phone. I’m not addicted to my phone because there is better thing to do besides being on it all day. I’d rather just check my phone on a daily basis and see what’s going on. I sometimes won’t even check it on some days because I just simply don’t need to be on it.I’d rather be outside enjoying nature. I like to fish and shoot guns more than being on my phone. At some points of the day when I can’t be outside I may be on my phone for a while. This is why I don’t say I’m addicted to my phone.