Animal Farm

What ever goes upon two legs is an enemy-This rule is bad because the animals may mistake a good human from a bad one and the same for any animal with two legs. I do foresee a problem with this rule becauseĀ  if a solicitor come to the farm the animal may hurt them.

What ever goes upon a four legs or has wings is a friend. this rule is bad because an animal may have four legs but may rebel against the animals. i do not foresee any problems with this rule.

No animal shall wear clothes- this rule is good because its keeping the animals stay true to themselves and not becoming like humans. I foresee this rule creating problems with wearing clothes like humans.

NO animal shall sleep in a bed-This rule is good because it keeps the animals from doing what humans do. I foresee this being a problem on the farm with animals sleeping in beds.

No animal shall drink alcohol- this is a good rule because it keeps the animals sober and not being a pester to the farm. I foresee this being a problem with animals alcoholics.

NO animal shall kill another animal- This is a good rule because it keeps the animals from being like humans and slaughtering the animals. IĀ  foresee a animal killing another.

All animals are equal- This is a good rule it keeps the animals from thinking they are better than one another. I foresee one of the animals thinking they are higher than another animal.